Friends of the Black Earth Library

Many public libraries were established through the efforts of community members who understood the value of libraries to their communities, and also understood that libraries needed community support to survive.  The Friends of the Library exists to help support the library, financially and through volunteer efforts, beyond the library's tax-supported operations. (FALSA, Friends of Libraries U.S.A.). The Friends of the Black Earth Library are a 501c3.

Become a Member today!

You can print out a brochure with a form here.


Check out the latest newsletter here.


In addition to member support through dues and donations, the Friends organize several fundraising events throughout the year that also encourage community fun, including annual events like a pie auction, used book sale, trivia night, and silent art auction.

Sponsored by the Friends

Here are just a few of the wonderful programs and items the Friends have supported:

  • BookPage subscription
  • Playaway digital audio books
  • Summer Library Program performers
  • Annual public performance movie license
  • Funds for Matt Laznicka mural in children's area
  • Wisconsin Heights High School scholarship


President - Annette Koenig

Vice President - Celia Westemeier

Secretary - Kathy Wachs

Treasurer - Marie Pecquex

Member-at-Large - Caro Smith

Member-at-Large - Brenda Pulvermacher


The Friends of the Black Earth Library have meetings on a regular basis. Please check our calendar for upcoming meetings.