Gift, Donation, & Bequest Policy

The Black Earth Public Library encourages and accepts gifts from individuals and organizations.



The Library Director and the Library Board retain the right to accept or refuse any gifts. Publicity for gifts will be worked about between the Director and the donor, and the library cannot promise that publicity will occur with every gift. No publicity will take place without the consent of the donor.


All gifts become the sole property of the Library, and as such may be used and managed as the Library Director and Library Board deem appropriate.


Types of Gifts

  1. Used books and other media
    • Books and other media that meet the donation guidelines as outlined in the “Policy for Donations of Materials to the Friends of the Black Earth Library” will be accepted at the discretion of the Library Director.
    • The Library Director will determine which used items will be added to the collection. Those not added to the collection may be disposed of as the Library Director sees fit, e.g. Friends of the Library Book Sale.
    • The Library Director reserves the right not to accept used books that are not useful or saleable, as outlined in the “Policy for Donations of Materials to the Friends of the Black Earth Library.”
    • The library cannot produce lists of titles donated or assess the value of used books.
    • Upon request, a receipt for the gift will be issued.
  2. New books and other media
    • Gifts of new books and other media that meet the Library’s current selection criteria may be accepted at the discretion of the Library Director. The Director will determine which new items will be added to the collection and which will be disposed of as the Library Director sees fit, e.g. Friends of the Library book sale.
    • The Library Director reserves the right not to accept new items that are not useful or saleable as outlined in the “Policy for Donations of Materials to the Friends of the Black Earth Library.”
  3. Other gifts
    • Gifts of equipment, furniture, art objects, etc. shall be referred to the Library Director and Library Board, who will determine whether or not the gift would be suitable and/or enhance the Library and its ability to provide service.
    • All gifts must fit the library’s mission and décor, and have no unusual or restrictive criteria for acceptance that would cause complications for the present or future operation of the library.
    • When appropriate, as determined by the Director and/or Board, permanent recognition may be made for the gift.
  4. Monetary gifts
    • Monetary gifts will be classified as designated, undesignated, or building fund gifts per the request of the donor.
    • Designated gifts are those given with a specific purpose intended by the donor. Specific wishes for the use of these gifts will be honored as closely as possible. Final selection of the items purchased will be made by the Library Director to ensure that the money is used for items that will best suit the needs of the Library and the people it serves and also satisfy the donor’s wishes. Designated funds will be expended within twelve months of the donation unless special plans have been made for these funds.
    • Undesignated gifts are those given without a specific purpose intended by the donor. Undesignated gifts will be used at the discretion of the Library Director to best suit the needs of the library and the people it serves.
    • Building fund gifts are donations with the specified purpose of future library expansion, major remodeling, or other non-operating expenditures and shall be deposited in the Foundation account. Structural or mechanical repair, maintenance and/or replacements would not be considered major remodeling and would remain the responsibility of the Village.
      • Building fund uses could include: costs related to feasibility studies, architectural fees, furnishings, equipment, major remodeling such as moving walls or redesigning office or public areas.

Recognition of Gifts

Recognition of gifts, donations, and bequests will follow the following guidelines:

Recognition of individual and corporate donations:

  • $0-$100: Simple thank you note from the Director
  • $100-$1,000: Certificate of appreciation (signed by board president) and thank you note from the Director
  • $1,000-$10,000: Framed certificate of appreciation (signed by board president) and thank you note from the Director. Donor will be invited to Board meeting to receive certificate.
  • $10,000-$100,000: Walnut plaque of appreciation given to Donor and thank you note from the Director. Donor will be invited to Board meeting to receive plaque.
  • $100,000 & up: Recognition to be determined by Board and Donor

Recognition of estate donations:

  • Any amount: Simple thank you note from the Director
  • $100,000 & up: Additional recognition within the library as determined by the board.


Permanent recognition in the library:

Plaques may be retired at the discretion of the Board.

Naming rights will be determined by the Board.


Approved 11/16/2021